The Methodist Women collect for the Cuba Food Pantry
on the first Sunday of each month.
Please place your Food Pantry
donations in the bin in the Green Street Foyer.
The group assists three or four local families at
Christmas time with gift cards to Giant Food Mart and Walmart.
Update from the new Cuba Global Methodist Women
Submitted by Holly Scoville
On Saturday, June 8th at 10 a.m. five women met in the Fellowship Hall to look toward the future and how our women’s group can continue their outreach in our church, the Cuba community and further into the World outside Cuba! After informal discussion and socialization, some ideas included: assuming the responsibility of providing a coffee hour after church every couple of months, again offering funeral luncheons, looking at the possibilities of letting the community know more about our church by offering free water at events such as the Dairy Days and Garlic Festival, having information available to share such as Bibles, etc. Of course the question then arose about how can we fund mission outreach without the proceeds from a rummage sale. Now is the time for a Call to Prayer! The challenge is to be specifically praying about what God would have us to be doing! Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday August 17th at 10 a.m.! If you have answers/ideas from the Lord and would like to be a part of this group, please come and join together with us as we reorganize and best of all PRAY! God does answer (and you don’t even need a smart phone)!